Sunday 22 May 2016


 - These are the links I used for my whole study of design process assignment.

Final post: conclusion.

 - This is the final stage of the process which is the conclusion part based on the understanding of the problem statement.

 - Conclusion

  • In conclusion, the results are that technology causes social isolation from taking personal time on social media.
  • The addiction and isolation may also lead to withdrawal and tolerance.
  • If at all an individual does not stop himself on using the technology it will become easy to get socially and more detatched from the real world.
  • I believe that people need to slow down and get out of this social media life and start focusing on maintaining relationships so that they don't get socially isolated.
  • Due to the deep and continuous use of technology people are forgetting how to ineract with others around them which can make people depressed and lonely.
I hope that we all contribute to keep ourselves away from social media and stay away from social isolation.

Design process: Stakeholder analysis

    - Here is the stakeholder analysis showing the percentage of social isolation according to diffrent age groups.

  Brain mapping (rough)

  Final analysis 

  • I have made stakeholder analysis of the percentage showing social isolation according to age groups.
  • As in the picture blue circle shows teens 13-19, violet circle - adults 20- 24, pink represents young adults 25-40 and green shows 40 above.
  • As we know all the age groups are involved in the useage of social media but the percentage of isolate varies according to it.
  • As per the matrix study we can see that use of it is mostly seen in adults that is 19-24. So as a result the percentage of social isolation is more in this age group.
  • Very low percentage is seen in above 40 age group as they are not that involved in social media. Then comes the teens 13-19 as their excess is not so much due to being schoolers n ol.
  • 50% is seen in young adults as they are yet out of their adult good and make the use of social media as an when it's a necessity.
  • So, the social isolation also depends on the particular age group.

Design process: Analytical matrix

  - Here is analysis for the survey I took. the link to my survey)

  •   As a result from the whole survey we can see that the percentage of females is more than males using social media, as females are more likely to use it for personal information rather than business.
  • As we said social isolation I seen more in the age group of 19-24 as they are the prominent users of social media is proved by this survey analysis. 
  • 100% of the population is the part and users of social media.
  • We can see there are more Facebook users as it was the first community to come up and it is convenient for both cell phone and PC users.
  • 48.78% of people agree that social networking affect their social life.
75.61% people think that yeah social media contributes in being socially isolated. It is true that we can get more connected to the people in person without social media.
  ( The above information is based on my survey result)

Desk study 2

- why is social isolation causes mostly in age group of 13-19 and 19-24?

  • As per the study social isolation is seen more in age group of 13-24 as they spend too much time on social media and are disconnected to the outside world.
  • Most of the time teens feel uneasy and nervous when they learn friends or peers are doing something they are not.
  • Cyberbullying is the main issue with them that creates a fear and lack of confidence. 
  • They spend time plugged in whether it's tv gaming, chatting, surfing internet etc. Most of their time is spent in virtual world. The time they spend communicating virtually can take away from valuae gave to face interactions.
  • Due to which they get disconnected from the real world n feelisolated

Problem statement and desk study.

Problem statement : social isolation due to social media and technologies.

 Desk Study

 - what is social isolation?

  • Social isolation is the complete lack of contact between an individual and society. It is different from loneliness, which is tempory lack of contact. Social isolation can be an issue for an individual of any age. But the symptoms may differ though.
  • Social isolation can include staying home for 
 - One of its cause.

  • New technologies such as the internet and mobile phones exacerbate social isolation is a debated topic among everyone. With the use and availability of online social networking communities, there are increasing options to become involved with depression and isolation.
  • Social media provides virtual substitutes to actual friends and family.
  • It allows people to maintain emotional distance with the lack of intimacy, due to which the person becomes lonelier and more depressed.
  • Social world is destroying real communication,  and leading to a society of people that have no idea how to actually communicate and share feelings in real world.

  - how does it affects?

  • People tend to post idealised photos of their personal life in social media which allows people to give the illusion that the person is leading a fabulous life. In some cases the people who view the posts are left feeling inadequate and leads to comparison which causes self dislike.
  • Social media has given us the power to talk or get contacted by anyone. This leads to dangerous outcomes, which can spoil your self image etc. In such cases people get depressed and isolate themselves because of loss of self esteem. 
  • Social media is making us anti-social because of social isolation, fear of missing out, and cyberbullying through social media.
  • Social networking causes the feeling of disconnect which may lead to depression, low self esteem.
  • Social media leads to anxiety and cruel behaviour which leads to dear of socialising which causes social isolation.

Saturday 21 May 2016

Stage 2: brain mapping

         -After brain storming on the topic I decided to choose types of stress from which I preffered working on negative stress and I came up with the given below brain mapping. 

        - As i started studying on the brain mapping I found one of the effect of negative stress that is social isolation. I made a brain map on social isolation too and finally I got my problem statement.